Words to Ponder

Time is the coin of your life and only you can determine how it is spent. Be careful or you will let others spend it for you. - Carl Sandburg

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hello World!

Okay....one of my goals was to start a blog for my artwork and photography. (hence the title with the all caps being CREATE ART) I already run two different blogs, one for Send Love Today volunteers which shows card ideas and the other for my family which has family photographs. This one is different. It is to help me not only make time for creating but also for tracking my progress of techniques, photographs etc. If you happen to find it and enjoy it, feel free to post a comment or suggestion. Make time for what makes you happy, before time slips away and you don't have a choice.


  1. VERY cool, Sandi! I will look forward to watching what you post on this blog as well as the others!
    Love, Linda

  2. You are so creative... looking forward to seeing what you put on next... love this blog as much as your family one.. keep up the good work.. love you mom
