Words to Ponder

Time is the coin of your life and only you can determine how it is spent. Be careful or you will let others spend it for you. - Carl Sandburg

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fun project

This was the final journal of the latest Circle of Friends journal rotation. It really wasn't a journal but a box that you had to create a secret world for an image. The front was to be plain. I had fun with this one and now it is on it's way home to Monica. All of the women wrapped their boxes like little birthday gifts so I didn't get to see what anyone else created. It was a fun, think outside the box....no pun intended....project.


  1. wow you are so very talented and I am not just saying that because I am your mom... you are very creative and I love the colors... too bad you couldn't keep it it looks so cute... love mom your #1 Fan

  2. That is beautiful!! Loved it! Love, Sher
