Words to Ponder

Time is the coin of your life and only you can determine how it is spent. Be careful or you will let others spend it for you. - Carl Sandburg

Monday, January 6, 2014

Lifebook 2014

I joined Lifebook 2014 for this year and this is my first creation. Now before you critique....you must know a couple of things. I started with a blank piece of paper and have never had any drawing lessons EVER!  We were supposed to include one word to focus on for the 2014 year.  I am going to make my studio and Lifebook one of my priorities to keep fun and balance in my life!  I was happy with the final product and look forward to the coming year of instruction!!


  1. Wow! You did a great job. I didn't join because I don't draw and that part really intimidated me. I'm looking forward to seeing your creations throughout the year.


  2. I didn't know I had a famous artist in the family... well I did but now I know for sure... that is one super first picture .. you did GOOD.... love mom your #1 Fan
